healthy tomato soup with spare vegetables

Healthy Tomato Soup with Spare Vegetables

I love this healthy tomato soup with spare vegetables recipe. In this particular instance, I actually added carrots, even though they’re not in the ingredients listed below. You can add whatever spare vegetables you like into this recipe. Prep time is quite fast and this recipe is cheap due to the ingredients used, including the two types of canned tomatoes.

  • 2-3 Onions, brown
  • 1 head of garlic
  • one big can of diced tomatoes or 2 small cans
  • 1 big can or 2 small cans of whole tomatoes
  • fresh tomatoes, 4-5 whole
  • celery or spinach or greens of sorts
  • 2-3 tsp vegetable stock (I used this one)
  • pepper
  1. Chop onion coursely.
  2. Chop garlic, separate the two heads from one another.
  3. Fry onion and  1/2 of garlic together, until onion is of a light brown colour.
  4. Add fresh tomatoes, adding to onion & garlic mix.
  5. At this time, add the other vegetables for frying, such as the celery/spinach/greens.
  6. Add canned tomatoes to the mixture, slowly bringing it to the boil.
  7. Add vegetable stock & hot water, filling the pot to the brim.
  8. Boil/simmer for another 20 minutes or so.
  9. Add pepper to taste.

Note: If the soup is chunky and you prefer smooth soups, you can blend it if you like. I guess if you truly want to make a sustainable version of the healthy tomato soup with spare vegetables recipe, you would likely also be against using additional electricity, so it’s all completely up to you.

The picture shows you the soup as it’s being made on the left and the finished soup on the right. My partner loves this one, as does the rest of my family. If you loved this recipe as much as I do, subscribe today to get future recipes delivered straight to your inbox. Thanks for reading! 🙂